CF Nominated for “Inspiring Blog Award”

Inspiring Blog AwardUpdated: September, 2012

I am honored and thrilled that Creative Flux has been nominated for the “Inspiring Blog Award” by Marina Sofia (@MarinaSofia8), author of the blog “Finding Time to Write.”

The nomination goes out to all the talented contributors on CF, as well as those helping to build up the community with their insightful comments.

Also, be sure to check out the inspiring blogs by all the other nominees on Marina’s blog.

Thank you, Marina!

~~~~~~ Update   ~~~~~~

Last week I discovered I’d short-changed Marina in my response to this nomination. I thought there was to be a winner who was to share information and nominations. No winner. Just nominees. We are all winners! Sorry, Marina! Live and learn. So, I’ll follow her lead and share seven of my favorite words/phrases:

  1. unctuous
  2. aleatoric
  3. prickly
  4. pluck
  5. diametrically opposed to
  6. waggish
  7. triskaidekaphobic (I am not:)

And a mere hand-full of my favorite bloggers, who I nominate for the “Inspiring Blog Award,” are:

  1. George Davis: Virtual Davis
  2. John M. Bell: Start Your Novel
  3. Kathy Pooler: Memoir Writer’s Journey
  4. Patrick Ross: Creativity, Writing & An Art-Committed Life
  5. Roz Morris: Undercover Soundtrack
  6. Ruth Long: Bullish Ink
  7. Trish Nicholson: Words in the Treehouse

As the guidelines go, if you so choose, you are requested to:

  1. link back to Creative Flux
  2. reveal seven little-known facts about yourselves
  3. nominate 7 of your favorite bloggers for the “One Lovely Blog Award,” contact them with the nomination and give them the guidelines

I look forward to learning more about you!



13 thoughts on “CF Nominated for “Inspiring Blog Award”

  1. Pingback: CF Nominated for “One Lovely Blog Award” | Creative Flux

    • Trish, thank you so much! I’m happy I’ve been a positive influence because you have had a sincere creative effect on me. The strength and wisdom in your writing add to the fresh creative approach you take in your stories. You’ve entertained, taught, and impressed me. I’m so honored that you chose to be a part of CF and congratulations to you! This award is as much yours as it is mine.

      Readers: click here to read Trish’s posts.

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