CF Nominated for “One Lovely Blog Award”

One Lovely Blog AwardMy sincere thanks go out to Thomas Drinkard (@ThomasDrinkard) for nominating Creative Flux for the “One Lovely Blog Award”!

Tom is a writer, editor and teacher with a strong military background whose specialty is writing about  characters who command attention in suspense, mystery and action-packed novels.  Recently, he was a guest on Blog Talk Radio in a dynamic and entertaining interview by Donna Cavanagh that reveals the man behind the pen.

I met Tom a few years ago on social media and and it was an honor to interview him in June, 2011 (includes audio clips). He has also contributed an excellent piece on writing—”Planner or Panster?”—on CF, and you can find his writing blog here. Thanks again, Tom!

You can view some of my favorite words and other blog nominations in the updated “Inspiring Blog Award” post.

As for nominees for the “One Lovely Blog,” each of you is special to me in a unique way:

  1. Deborah Watson-Novacek: Creativity For Life!
  2. Jeffrey Davis: Tracking Wonder
  3. Karl Sprague: The Short Distance
  4. Marina Sofia: Finding Time To Write
  5. Marta Moran-Bishop: Interviews
  6. Terri Long: The Art and Craft of Writing Creatively
  7. Victoria Mixon: The Art & Craft of Fiction
  8. With a special bonus nomination to Independent Author Network Blog (IAN)

As the guidelines go, if you so choose, you are requested to:

  1. link back to Creative Flux
  2. reveal seven little-known facts about yourselves
  3. nominate 7 of your favorite bloggers for the “One Lovely Blog Award,” contact them with the nomination and give them the guidelines

I look forward to learning more about you:) Have fun!

9 thoughts on “CF Nominated for “One Lovely Blog Award”

  1. Pingback: CF Nominated for “Inspiring Blog Award” | Creative Flux

  2. Terre, thank you for the nomination. Since Creative Flux is a place where I come for creative inspiration, I appreciate you including me in the Pay-it-Forward chain of the “One Lovely Blog Award.” Thanks for the insights into TB: flying with angels, flying with fellow gymnasts, and tanning rabbit hides – all from a woman who has demonstrated creativity her entire life. Who knew? Now I know why building Sirius Press and nurturing creativity in others is such a passion. You’re the best, Terre.

    • Karl, you’re terribly kind, thank you! I’m the one who is amazed by your diverse talents of being a successful business owner as well as a top-notch writer! I’ve learned much from you about intent—being true to yourself throughout your story—and well-crafted prose. I’ve also enjoyed the discussions about process and self-doubt with you and Kathy Pooler. So my gratitude goes out to you for helping the CF community flourish through your generosity and insightful artistic gifts.

      Readers: click here to check out Karl’s CF post.

    • Well, thank you very much, Karl! But the award really goes out to each of you contributors. That is why it was difficult to just pick 7 nominees. Your collective wisdom is seeded like stars in the constellations; your brilliance reveals inner truths and stares down fears, that we students-of-the-flux might move forward armed with the best knowledge. I just happened to be the lucky person to have discovered each of you!

    • Susan, thank you so much for stopping by! And I agree with you, these people are all fine writers and inspired creatives. No doubt they will have a positive and memorable impact on your way of thinking. So kind of you to comment, thanks!

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