Attend the BookExpo Indie Author Fringe on June 3rd
Indie Author Fringe is a three-times a year, online conference for self-publishing authors, brought to you by the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), fringe to the major global publishing fairs.
All online, all free.
Organized by authors for authors.
ALLi brings together the most up-to-date self-publishing education and information available and broadcasts it to authors everywhere.
Running 24 sessions over 24 continuous hours allows members, and other authors around the globe, to attend some live sessions, no matter where they’re located. Sessions are video-recorded, so you can always catch up later.
Over the course of the year, IAF covers: writing, editorial, design, production, distribution, sales, marketing, rights licensing, money matters, and living the indie author life.
And thanks to the generosity of their speakers and sponsors, it’s all free.
If you are interested in sponsorship, click here.
Meet the Indie Author Fringe Organizers
Follow on Twitter: @IndieAuthorALLI with the hashtag #IndieAuthorFringe