Creative Flux is curated by Terre Britton. She is a painter, designer, illustrator, owner of Terrabyte Graphics, and VP of Marketing at Sirius Press.
Terre is also the co-author of “Energetics: The First Order,” the first of a four-book SciFi-Thriller series—The Four Orders of Inherent Freedom. The book is currently being edited.

Terre Britton
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The Four Orders of Inherent Freedom
Terrabyte Graphics
Sirius Press
The Four Orders of Inherent Freedom
Terrabyte Graphics
Sirius Press
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Love the Christmas Story you shared on Christmas Eve. It is a touching and fitting tribute to the occasion.
Thank you, Rich. I, too, was smitten with the innocence of the children in the Christmas Story video, by St. Paul’s Arts & Media.
Sorry I missed this comment til now. Happy New Year!
I’m not sure to what extent you consider yourself a blogger rather than a curator on this site, but as a sign of appreciation for the inspiration, I nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award.
Marina, what a surprise and honor, thank you! This blog would not exist without all the fine guest-writers and generous commentors who have built up this creative community, so I extend your tribute to them, as well. All the best to you, Marina, and I look forward to reading ‘your’ blog.